In an age when new ideas, trends, and innovations can alter the world overnight, a strong foundation in faith can be the guiding light. In fact, without that connection to a higher power, many not only feel a deep sense of unease about a soulless future, but also wonder: are there values and beliefs we should be building our lives on? Are there ones we should be comfortable letting change?
A groundbreaking book that offers a unique antidote to the most urgent spiritual and cultural ailments of our time, The Faith Code is the product of nearly a decade of collaboration between a prominent pastor who resides in the heart of San Francisco Bay’s technology hub, and a renowned Silicon Valley investor, leader, and philanthropist. By combining moral and ethical counsel with the pioneering tactics of entrepreneurship and community building, Terry Brisbane and Rusty Rueff have methodically distilled the essentials of what it takes to live a full life while simultaneously becoming citizens who contribute to the world around us. From important matters of career and vocation advancement to the pillars of fulfilling relationships both at home and in our social circles, this trailblazing guide will give any reader the tools necessary to apply the time-tested wisdom of the gospel to the contemporary struggles of today. What results is a transformative journey with three different pathways interwoven together: being faith-driven, pursing personal improvement, and doing good, meaningful work.
We have a limited number of signed copies of The Faith Code. Click the link below to order yours. Please note, they are only available to ship in the US.

The Bay Area is known for its technological advancements, literally changing the world through innovation. It’s a global melting pot of people coming to … work. However, its also one of the least churched areas on the planet. To reach the Bay, bridging the faith to work gap is critical if not the only way to present the love of Christ to the technical diaspora gathered in this dwelling place of some of the smartest on the planet. Terry and Rusty have brought a unique perspective of this challenge with new insights and experiences to provide a foundation to bridge this gap.
Pat Gelsinger
CEO of Intel

Our work is a primary place of discipleship, yet too often we fail to see it through that lens. This book readjusts our focus to see more clearly how the right perspective to our God-given work can change ourselves, our loved ones and our world. The unique approach authored by a Pastor and a Silicon Valley Business Leader sets it apart and our reading of it helped change some of our thinking. We hope and wish every church in The Bay Area and beyond will pick this up and become students of it.
John & Nancy Ortberg
BecomeNew.me and Author
CEO of Transforming the Bay with Christ
The Faith Code not only explores the integration of faith in our work, but in our routines, relationships, how we re-create, and how we care for ourselves in order to show up for others. It’s a book filled with sound principles and practical applications. A book for our times!
Founder and CEO Charity:Water.
Author of the NY Times Best-Seller, Thirst
This is a book the 21st century needs. We face greater challenges in technology and culture than ever before, but the answers of faith and doing good haven’t changed. We just need to understand them in new light—and
The Faith Code is filled with new light on long-established wisdom and purpose.
Sanyin Siang
Professor at Duke University
and CEO Coach and Advisor
Faith Code is an essential read for entrepreneurs like me who want an impactful and fulfilling life in such fast-changing times. Insightful. Authentic. Practical.
Neil Ahlsten
SVP Digital Products, Guideposts
and Founder Abide Meditation
The Faith Code for the strength and vision it will impart to your life and work. And as the authors suggest, read it with friends and begin new conversations that will help you build a thriving, impactful and godly life.
David Brickner
Executive Director
Jews for Jesus
I’ve known Pastor Terry for almost forty years and have heard what he teaches and seen how he lives the principles and practices shared throughout
The Faith Code. Putting our faith into action is what can distinguish each of us in the marketplace and within our churches. I highly recommend this book for any pastor or business leader.
Hal Santos
Leader of Minister to Minister and Founding Pastor Grace Church of MetroEast,
Fairview Heights, Illinois
“Rusty’s been a spiritual mentor for me amidst the rapid changes in Silicon Valley and church. He’s a key participant and keen observer of both worlds, and I’ve relied on him and his insights to see clearly that some things don’t change. We can either go with the flow into the shallows, or find a new way forward into lives of greater significance and humanity. It’s up to us. If you want the latter of these two, then reading something like
The Faith Code is a great way to begin a lifelong conversation about growth and loving the people and work that mean the most to us.”
James Cham
Venture Capitalist at Bloomberg Beta
TERRY BRISBANE has been the lead pastor of
Cornerstone Church in San Francisco for over three decades. In addition to a thriving campus in the city, CornerstoneSF has an extensive creative and digital footprint and is known for its engagement in dramatic arts, film, and music. Pastor Terry holds a Master’s in Theology from Fuller Seminary along with a Doctorate of Ministry from The King’s Seminary. Terry and his wife, Sheryl, live in San Francisco, California.
RUSTY RUEFF is a well-known technology executive, startup advisor, and thought leader in Silicon Valley. He has served on numerous corporate boards of directors—including as a founding board director of Glassdoor—and has a network in philanthropy and political efforts that reaches nationally. A co- founder of the popular podcast “The Faith Driven Entrepreneur”, Rusty and his wife, Patti, reside in Burlingame, California and Charlestown, Rhode Island.
Book Terry Brisbane and Rusty Rueff for an interview or podcast appearance today, and let their inspiring words guide your audience toward a more meaningful and purposeful existence. Embark on this transformative journey today!